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企业 / ... / 支持 Energy Glossary

How is Transmission Loss Factor (TLF) calculated?
传输损耗系数(TLF)由市场支持服务被许可方计算, SP Services 有限公司 in accordance with the methodology approved by the regulator, the Energy Market Authority of Singapore.
What is Use-of-System (UoS) Charge?

美国se-of-System (UOS)收费s is 第三个,party distribution 负责 imposed by and payable to SP Group. 电荷s recover the cost of operation and 维护 a safe and reliable distribution network to 传输 electricity on the national power grid to end users. 美国O年代电荷s是 reviewed annually by SP Group and 不同 according to the voltage at which the electricity is supplied. 

点击 在这里 to view the latest UO年代电荷s from 1 April 2023 to 31 Mar 2024.

Common Energy Terms

这是收回因采购规例而产生的成本的费用. 监管是在发电和用电之间以半小时为单位进行微调所需的能源.
Barrel (petroleum)
原油和石油产品的体积计量单位,相当于42u.S. gallons (306 pounds of oil, or 5.78 million Btu).
燃烧燃料(如天然气)产生热量的容器或储罐, 燃油, 或者煤炭被用来产生热水或蒸汽,应用范围从建筑空间供暖到电力生产或工业过程供热.
Circuit Breaker
A device used to interrupt or break an electrical circuit when an overload condition exists; usually installed in the positive circuit; used to protect electrical equipment.
一种发电技术,利用多一台燃气(燃烧)涡轮机排出的废热来发电. 排出的热量被输送到传统的锅炉或热回收蒸汽发生器,以供蒸汽轮机在发电中利用. This process increases the efficiency of the electric generating unit.
The process by which a power plant, 装置, 或者根据观察到的或测量到的符合设计规范的运行情况批准运行.
A tubular material used to encase and protect one or more electrical conductors.
The right to choose among electricity retailers for electricity purchase. 一个有竞争力的客户有权选择他们想要从谁那里以及如何购买电力.
The rate at which electricity is delivered to or by a system, part of a system, or piece of equipment expressed in kilowatts, kilovolt amperes, or other suitable unit, at a given instant or averaged over a specified period.
Distribution System
The amount of energy service or useful energy delivered per unit of energy input. Often used in reference to lighting systems, w在这里 the visible light output of a luminary is relative to power input; expressed in lumens per Watt; the higher the efficacy value, the higher the energy efficiency.
EMC Admin Charge
EMC (Energy Market Company) operates the wholesale electricity market. EMC runs the electricity pool and manages the energy settlement processes. This is a usage-based 负责 calculated using loss adjusted data.
Energy Market Authority (EMA)
The regulator of the electricity and gas industry in Singapore.
Energy Market Company (EMC)
The company that operates and administers the wholesale electricity market.
A power line for supplying electricity within a specified area.
A safety device consisting of a short length of relatively fine wire, 装在支架上或装在墨盒里并作为电路的一部分连接起来的. If the circuit source current exceeds a predetermined value, the fuse wire melts (i.e. 熔断器“熔断”电路,防止被熔断器保护的电路损坏.
A unit of power equal to 1 billion Watts; 1 million kilowatts, or 1,000 megawatts.
Installed 能力
The total capacity of electrical generation devices in a power station or system.
A device or material with a high resistance to electricity flow.
The amount of electrical power required by a consumer.
负载 Profile or Shape
Market 支持 Services (MSS)
这些服务包括以现货价格从批发电力市场间接购买电力给有竞争力的消费者, 阅读米, managing meter data, administering transfer processes, and providing electricity to non-contestable consumers at regulated tariffs.
Market 支持 Services (MSS) Charges
Charges to cover the costs of market support services, such as transfer processing fees, meter reading fees, 等.
Market 支持 Services Licensee (MSSL)
A hydrocarbon gas obtained from underground sources, often in association with petroleum and coal deposits. It generally contains a high percentage of methane, varying amounts of ethane, and inert gases; used as a heating fuel.
Non-Contestable Consumers
Consumers who are required to buy electricity from the MSSL at regulated tariffs.
Off-Peak Period and Peak Period
The period of time when t在这里 is relatively low demand for electricity (off-peak), 与电力需求最大的时间段(峰值)相反.
PSO Admin Charge
PSO(电力系统运营商)负责传输系统的安全性和可靠性. All customers pay a usage-based fee for the provision of this service.
The statutory body that regulates the electricity industry in Singapore. The Energy Market Authority is the regulator.
Renewable Energy
从可再生资源或为所有实际目的而产生的能量不能被耗尽. Types of renewable energy resources include moving water (hydro, tidal and wave power), thermal gradients in ocean water, 生物质, geothermal energy, 太阳能, and wind energy.
An electric current taking a shorter or different path than intended.
一种包含电力转换(有时是发电)设备的电气装置, such as transformers, 补偿器, and circuit breakers.
一种改变交流电电压的电磁装置. 它由具有初级和次级绕组的感应线圈和封闭铁芯组成.
Transmission Charges
使用输电系统将电力输送到用户住宅的费用. Transmission 负责s是 regulated by the regulator.
Transmission and Distribution Losses
Vesting 合同
发电公司与能源及电力管理局签订的双边合约,以指定价格(称为“归属价格”)生产及销售指定数量的电力。. 授予合同是由监管机构强制实施的,目的是遏制发电公司的市场支配力.
Vesting Debit/Credit
反映在MSSL的法案中,有争议的消费者通过MSSL从批发市场购买电力. 这是现货价格与需求的行权价格之间的差额,由行权合同涵盖.
Wholesale Electricity Market
An electricity market w在这里 generation companies compete to sell electricity.
Wholesale Electricity Price (WEP)
直接或间接从新加坡国家电力市场(NEMS)购买电力, 一个人的电价由6个组成部分组成,USEP是6个组成部分中最大的一个. The other components是 the Hourly Energy Uplift Charge (HEUC), the Monthly Energy Uplift Charge (MEUC), the Allocated Regulation Price (AFP), PSO admin fees and EMC admin fees.